Spotlight and Symphony: Lighting and Sound Design

🌟 Illuminate and Resonate: Embark on a journey through the art of theatre technology in our Lighting and Sound course. Here, you’re not just learning; you’re crafting the heartbeat of a performance.

💡 Technical Mastery: Develop a rich skill set encompassing sound and lighting design, and venture beyond into the realms of projections and digital media promotions. This course offers a hands-on approach, merging theory with the practical mastery of equipment.

🎚️ Skills and Creativity Combined: Learn gear operation in professional theatre settings, sound design from composition to mixing, and lighting design from plotting to operation. Enhance your computer literacy and workplace safety skills, all while adding your creative flair.

🎭 Collaborate and Innovate: Emphasize collaboration with other YourDNA courses, understanding the pivotal role of organized teamwork. You’ll get the chance to compose soundscapes and lighting designs for various performances, culminating in operating the sound and lighting desks for end-of-year shows.

Join us in Lighting and Sound Design, where your technical skills bring the stage to life, creating a symphony of lights and sound! 🎶💡✨


The purpose of the course is to develop skills inthe field of theatre technology, including butnot limited to Sound and Lighting Design.Other applications may include projections anddigital media promotions for example. Theseskills will be developed through exposure toconcepts from all over the theatre and filmspectrum as well as practical and skills- basedapproach to operation of sound and lightingdesks as well as music software.

The course will introduce and build skills suchas:

•Gear operation – the functional use of soundand lighting desks in a professional theatreenvironment

•Sound design – basic composition, recordingand mixing skills

•Lighting design – basic design, plotting andoperation skills

•Workplace safety – using real life experiencesto develop awareness of safe work practices

•Computer literacy – file management,document writing and editing, use of monitor.

•Creative expression- the students bring theirown creative flair through musical expressionand design decisions

•Collaboration – there is a heavy emphasis oncollaboration with other courses withinYourDNA. As technicians we recognise theimportance of organised and positivecollaborative experiences.

Composing soundscapes and lighting designsfor a variety of YourDNA courses performanceoutcomes.

In Collaboration with the Stage Craft courseparticipants operate the sound and/or lightingdesks for the end-of-year Drama, Song andDance and FUZE Ensemble performanceseason